Sunday, August 18, 2013


                      The practice of medicine is based on diagnosis and treatment. A hundred years ago, the physician felt the pulse and came to various conclusions about illnesses.
             He had only a few instruments to diagnose a disease. Within the last hundred years, medical technology developed. Now the physician has sophisticated medical instruments to diagnose diseases.
              X ray machine that was invented in 1895, came into regular use.

            Medical technology continues to develop very rapidly. Today the changes of the body can be observed and measured.      These findings are the key to diagnosing diseases and deciding treatment.
                   The E.C.G machine was invented during the last century. It is used to find how the heart works. The damage caused by a heart attack can be measured on this machine.
                Modern technology is able to support failing organs. Ventilators are used to maintain oxygen levels to assist breathing.
           Sir Alexander Fleming, whose discovery of penicillin led to the discovery of many other antibiotics. The antibiotics help in treating a large range of bacterial infections. 
                                  Modern technology has helped immensely to develop surgery. Now lasers are used in surgery. Kidney stones and gall bladder stones are removed through laser surgery. Laser treatments are used for treating eye diseases too.
      Medical science and technology has developed so much that surgeons transplant organs from one body to another. Kidney transplantation was first attempted in 1902. Today it is a well established operation. Heart transplantation was first performed in South Africa, in 1967. It was done by the surgeon, Christian Barnard.
                                          Immunization programmers are carried out to give protection to children. This has greatly decreased previously common diseases. 

Thursday, July 25, 2013


                        The encyclopaedia has developed from the dictionary in the 18th century. A dictionary is mainly on worlds and their definitions. It provides limited information, for the word defined. Sometimes the definition given in the dictionary may not give enough understanding of the word to the reader. He may not understand the meaning, or significance of the word. He may not understand the broad meaning.
                An encyclopaedia is a complete summary of information. This information can be on all branches of knowledge or a particular branch of knowledge.
               An encyclopaedia on the other hand gives a full account on the subject. It gives the most relevant knowledge gathered on that subject. It often includes maps, illustrations, charts. as well as statistics to show relationships.
             The word "encyclopaedia" comes from the classical Greek word meaning, " a general education" The idea of producing an encyclopaedia is very old. The term was first used in 1541.

Sunday, June 2, 2013


Mother Theresa was internationally respected for her work to relieve the sufferings of the poor, the sick and drying. She began her work of desperately poor of India by bringing persons from the streets into a home, where they could die in peace dignity. She also established an orphanage. Through her untiring efforts she succeeded in forming a congregation of sisters whose work has now spread to five continents.
                                          Mother Theresa was born in Skipje, Albania, on August 27, 19910, and was named Agnes Gonxha Bejaxhini. She left her home at the age of 18 to join the Institute of Blessed Virgin mary in Dublin. She entered the order of the Sister of Our Lady of Loreto when she was 18 years old. She was sent to Calcutta by the Sister of Loreto and she became a Geography teacher in a school in Calcutta. While travelling on a train on September 10, 1946, she heard the cries of some sick and helpless people, which inspired her to help the poor. This experience she described as a “call within a call” to help the desperately poor of India.