It was Anton Van Leuwanhoek in 1683 who observed bacteria
with the help of his self constructed compound microscope. Bacteria are found
everywhere in air, water, soil, food in living organisms such as the intestines
of man and animals, on dead decaying organic matter, etc.

They are: 1.
2. Bacillus
3. Spirillum
4. Vibrio
Cocci bacteria are spherical in shape and may stick together in pairs, chains and clusters. Bacilli bacteria are rod shaped. They can form into filaments of cells that look like hyphae of fungi. Bacteria may be flagellated or nonflagellated.
2. Bacillus
3. Spirillum
4. Vibrio
Cocci bacteria are spherical in shape and may stick together in pairs, chains and clusters. Bacilli bacteria are rod shaped. They can form into filaments of cells that look like hyphae of fungi. Bacteria may be flagellated or nonflagellated.
Vibrio bacteria are comma shaped bacteria. Desulfovibrio desulfuricans is
an example of vibrio bacteria. If this bacteria are living in water rich in
iron compounds the sulphur released from them reacts with iron to from iron
sulphide. Iron sulphide glitters like gold therefore this compound-iron
sulphide is called “Fool’s gold”
Spirilla bacteria or
spirillum bacteria are twisted bacteria. They look like tightly coiled springs.
One example for spirilla bacteria is Triponema palladium which causes
syphilis-a sexually transmitted disease.
According to the modes
of nutrition bacteria can be divided in to four types.
01. Saprophytic
02. Parasitic bacteria
03. Chemosynthetic
04. Photosynthetic
- Saprophytic bacteria live on dead organic matter of plant or animal origin. They secrete enzymes and digest the food substances. The soluble simple foods are then absorbed by the bacterial cell.
- Parasitic bacteria obtain food from the body of living hosts.
- Chemosynthetic bacteria obtain energy by oxidizing inorganic compounds like suphur nitrogen and iron compounds.
- Photosynthetic bacteria contain chlorophyll. These enable the bacteria to produce food by photosynthesis.
Retting fibers
Fibers from hemp, jute and coconut husk are obtained by
submerging in water for some period. Then the middle lamellae of the fibers are
acted upon by the bacteria growing in water, and the fibers are set free.
Curing of cheese, tobacco and tea
Production of vinegar
Ethyi alcohol is converted into acetic acid (vinegar) by
the action of bacteria such as Acetobacrer aceti.
Formation of curd
Lactose or milk sugar of the milk is converted into
lactic acid by the action of certain bacteria like Bacterium lactis aside. It
is lactic acid that gives the sour taste to the curd.
Medicinal uses of bacteria
Antibiotic drugs like streptomycin, chloromycetin are
produced frem bacteria.
Synthesis of Vitamin B
Some bacteria synthesize vitamins. Specially vitamin B (e.g- Escherika
Harmful bacteria
Spoilage of foods
Eg. Botulism is a food poisoning due to a bacteria called
Clostredium botulinum in tinned or sealed foods.
Cause disesses
Diseases are caused by bacteria. Some examples are given
- Typhoid : Bacillus typhosus
- Tetanus : Clostridum tetani
- Tuberculosis : Myobacterium tuberculosis
- Pneumonia : Bacillus dysenteriae
- Cholera : Vibrio cholera
- Diphtheria : Corynebacterium diphtheriae

siraawatama niyameta karala thiyanawa machan..... great.........