Thursday, August 30, 2012


                Sir Isaac Newton was born on the 25th of December, 1642 in Lincolnshire. While in school he did not do well, but possessed greater talents in drawing and mechanical inventions. Fortunately one of his uncles saw his talents and made the way for him to enter Trinity College. There he graduated in mathematics in 1669. He worked closely with his professor Isaac Barrow who gave him every help to improve his talents. Later Isaac Newton succeeded his professor and became professor of mathematics at Trinity at the age of twenty seven.
        In the year of 1665 he returned to his native village wools Thorpe for holidays.
                                                             One morning while resting under an apple tree in his mother’s garden, he saw an apple falling to the ground. Seeing this common incident, a wonderful thought ran into his mind. He wondered why the apple fell straight down to the ground without going upward, moving to the left or right.
             Suddenly his mind was struck with the idea that some farce must be there to attract all things towards the earth His conclusion bore fruits in later years.
                                                    He named this force as “universal Gravitation”. In his further experiments he discovered many secrets of nature. He discovered that sun’s white ray consists of seven colours. Those colours are violet, indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange and red. These seven colours can be separated with the help of a prism and the mixture of these seven colours produces white light.
            He published his great discoveries in two books. One of the books is “Optica” in which he described his studies of light and his other discoveries were described in his second book “pricipia”.
            Even in old age, he was involved in discovering new things about planet. At the age of 85, he went to London to preside over a meeting of the Royal Society. On his return he fell ill and this great scientist died on March 20, 1727.    


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