What is kidney

What is the role of
the dialysis machine?
When the patient’s kidney ceases to function,
the machine will play the role of kidneys. The machine will take the blood in
and send it through an artificial kidney which the blood, and send it to the
How often a person
need to be dialyzed?
Patient is waiting for a donor and until such
time doctors are keeping him alive
with the help of the dialysis machine.When a patient goes stage
renal disease that patient needs about three dialysis and minimum two dialysis
pre week to save his life. So, he will have it until he gets the transplant or
for his life time.

It may be for a week
or tow and until the patient’s kidney function recover. A kidney patient due to
leptrosis undergo dialysis on every other day until his or her kidneys come back
to normal. And most probably will continue for a week. One dialysis is for four
What are the major causes for kidney failure?
We don’t know the exact cause of the disease. But we believe it is something like chronic inflammation of the kidney, which has been going on for sometime. Unfortunately, the patient does not know what is happening and the disease will be hidden aliment for years only. When the kidney functions are severely affected, they come to us. By this time the patient needs immediate dialysis to save his life.
We don’t know the exact cause of the disease. But we believe it is something like chronic inflammation of the kidney, which has been going on for sometime. Unfortunately, the patient does not know what is happening and the disease will be hidden aliment for years only. When the kidney functions are severely affected, they come to us. By this time the patient needs immediate dialysis to save his life.
Diabetes and hypertension are the major causes. So it is very important to
prevent these diseases and our main concern is the prevention of chronic kidney
How to take care of one’s kidneys..!
What are the symptoms of renal failure?
The most important thing is prevention. Therefore people should be aware
about the diseases that finally give rise to chronic kidney diseases.

- Swelling of the legs
- Pressure
- Swelling of eyes in the morning
- Anaemia
- Lethargy
- Loss of appetite
The most important thing
is to go to a doctor and do very simple tests-urine and blood tests. The other
important thing to remember is to identify the symptoms early and treat them
early to prevent the disease progressing to the chronic stage.
Can urine
infections cause kidney failure?
Not in adult but in children. If Small children
get recurrent urine infections that may be a warning sign of a kidney failure.
This usually happens due to some problems in the development of kidneys or
anatomy of the kidney. So peadiatrician should take care of these children and treat
them well.
Urine infections among adults
are very common and it is not very common to give rise to renal failures.
Is there any age
range that people are more prone to renal failure?
No age range as such. But we see
more and more older people are suffering form diabetes and hypertension. These
diseases have given rise to renal failure and elderly people are more prone to
renal failure due to this Phenomena. But renal
failure is not common among small children. However, those who are 20-year-old
and above can get renal failure.
Is it true that
drugs for hypertension and diabetes do cause kidney failure?
This is a misconception. If hypertension and
diabetes are not treated it will cause renal failure and various anther
complications. It is the disease that causes the kidney failure not the drugs.
Sometimes when they developed serious renal failure we change the drug that
they already on. People think that the changing of drugs also causes kidney
These diseases have a
higher chance for the increase in kidney diseases. Taking drugs will prevent
developing renal failure. Particularly people are talking about a drug called Metforming.
This is a very good drug but when one’s kidney function is poor he or she can
not be given this drug. A person who already has a poor kidney function should
avoid taking Metforming. But, people this using that that due to Metforming
they developed kidney failure. But this is completely wrong.
What is advice to save one’s kidneys…?
Main advice is to be aware of the diseases that can
give rise to kidney failure. Usually kidney diseases turn up very late. When
one lost abut 70% capacity of the kidney function, only, he or she will get the
symptoms. So, if you have a urine infection or any other disease that
Is diagnosed could affect kidney take extra care and
consult a doctor. Take care of diabetes and hypertension and control them. Don’t
take any drug on your own and take medicine continuously if you are taking
medicine in the long run under doctor’s advice.
What is the role of
water in preventing kidney diseases?
Drinking water is good
for your kidneys. It helps the kidneys to function well. But drinking a very small
quantity of water is bad, drinking heavily is also bad. If you can drink 1.5-2
Liters per day it quite adequate.
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